Big Pharma compagnies or small, where are we going ?

A great meeting in Geneva.

Svend Lindenberg.

Copenhagen Fertility Clinic at Work in Geneve

Copenhagen Fertility Clinic at Work in Geneve

The global market with drug manufacturers has develop to such an extent that many small drug manufacturers no longer make money on drug development or cannot afford to be a part of this. Thus we see that the final cost of developing a product has increased over the years and is now after assessment by Forbes at $ 5 billion.

Ref: Forbes

Such a project was discussed at the meeting in Geneva this Friday.

The company Anecova has developed a culture dish for in vitro fertilization, taking advantage of the woman’s own womb as an incubator and cultivation unit. Fertility treatment has for 30 years been characterized by more and more advanced culture media and techniques with the addition of hormones, chemicals and changes in the air around the eggs. All these initiatives have been taken to improve the primitive artificial environment which eggs are exposed to in vitro. This has also increased the cost of treatment to patients. Beyond this, one had to give patients more and more drugs to get as many eggs as possible in order to get this artificial system to work as more than 90% of such eggs never will be used for creating off springs. This manipulation of the natural environment by changing the in vitro culture with chemicals and hormones has given patients and doctors the concern: “Does this harm the children?” Few scientific studies have shown an impact on the eggs when high hormone levels for hyper stimulation have been used or hormones added to the culture media. Until now, this has not been shown to be of any harm to the children however.

Further to this, the pharma industry now increases their sales by selling product to overcome the adverse effect of the products already on the marked.

The new strategies for fertility treatment is to try to avoid such damage to the egg by simply think smarter.

Thus, we must say that Anecova are a small company with a good idea. Instead of following on the heels of the others in the pharmaceutical industry and develop even more advanced hormone treatments for women and eggs , they tried to put it away and take advantage of the woman’s own body fluids and uterus. The lurking simply nature and uses it instead by creating a non-artificial nature for the eggs. This is also seen in big farma now. Bristol- Myers, under their former boss Elliott Sigal studied immune system of the human body and produce new cancer drugs by using nature itself. Anecova has developed a small chamber that can contain both egg and sperm and then grow eggs in the uterus without the addition of media and artificial environment for routine test-tube baby treatment also called IVF.

This technology can now produce fine embryos and pregnancies and at the same time avoids probably all the harmful environmental impacts of the artificial media. Likewise, you do not need as many eggs, which means you can use a very mild pre-treatment of women and thereby avoid the dreaded side effects of ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome.

Anecova is now in the final stage of this work in collaboration with several international clinics and researchers; Copenhagen Fertility Center is also included.

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